Someone please explain to me why the day after Easter isn't a national holiday? Is there anyone who isn't tired today? Anyone who hasn't cooked, or traveled, or both, all weekend?
All complaining aside, Easter weekend was delightful. We got to spend quality time with our beautiful niece, Gianna, on Saturday at my mother in-law's house. The best part was her drawings of Uncle Joe farting.
As for Theo, he had a great time ''hunting'' eggs with his cousin. He was a little too enthusiastic about throwing them in grandma's pond (the eggs, not his cousin). He fell in, but luckily it was just his leg that got soaked. Thank goodness for grandma's dryer!
On Easter Sunday we went to Nonny's. That morning Theo watched me make the lasagna, he even helped layer the noodles! Theo slept through dinner, but had a great time eating the cake. After dinner, Nonny insisted Theo dance a polka with her. Then, dad played the hora on the piano, mom sang, and we all danced in a circle, holding hands. Theo loved saying "kick!" as we kicked our legs into the middle. Long after the rest of us were done dancing, there Theo was, still going in circles.
After a quick but lovely visit to Aunt Donny and Cousin Jo, we came home, thoroughly exhausted after a wondeful holiday weekend.
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