Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Saturday With Uncle and Aunt

Theo and I traveled to Bayside on Saturday to spend some quality time with Uncle Elliot. Ell bought us Mexican food, we briefly met up with the parents, and journeyed back to Ell's area.

At the playground, Theo wouldn't leave my brother alone. "Ewwwwiot! Ewwwwiot!" He made Elliot help him cross the swinging bars repeatedly, and Elliot chased Theo all around the playground. Up the ladder, down the pole, etc.

Don't you love the dual baseball caps?

Theo wouldn't let Elliot stop, he kept turning around and making sure his uncle was following him, hysterically laughing. I have some video evidence of their cuteness:

Back at Elliot's house, Gloria came home and took Theo back out to the park!

Hence his sweatiness. Theo's aunt and uncle spoiled him with chocolates, bananas and juice.

I'm really glad that Theo has gotten to know them and gets excited when he finds out he'll see them. Warms a mama's (and sister's) heart. Elliot and I sat on the couch playing video games, and he mused about Theo playing with us in a couple of years. I can't wait!

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