Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Spend Sunday with the Orecchios

I love Sundays. It's the one day we get to do everything as a family.

1. Wake up, eat breakfast. I made a power omelet - egg whites, tomatoes, and asparagus.

2. Laundry - whoohoo!

3. Dunkin Donuts for coffee and munchkins. Theo ate his usual glazed donuts until he spotted another boy with powdered munchkins. After that it was all over. He HAD to have "the white ones." Luckily, the other mom suggested a trade, so we didn't have to spend a whole-gasp-extra dollar!

4. Playground

5. Haircuts for daddy and Theo. Awwwwwwwwwwww. Theo was so excited to watch Joe get his, and couldn't wait for his turn. How do I have this kid who makes everything easy? I'm so lucky! He can get excited about anything! Laundry, haircuts. Sheesh! Someone needs to send him a memo explaining the real fun things on life.

6. Train time! Off to the San Gennaro festival we went, in Little Italy. We got some zeppolis and Theo ended up wearing white powder all over his black sweatshirt. We sat outside at some cute corner restaurant, and Theo ate most of my Rigatoni alla Vodka (grrr) and a bunch of my broccoli. [See Gloria, I give him other things besides rice and beans!! :) ]
Like I said, he's so good. Since it was a special day, I let him put way too much butter on his bread.

7. At home, it didn't take long for Theo to pass out after a day like that. Or us. We passed out watching the Emmys.

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