Here are Theo's favorite books. Oh David!, and Oops! To preserve my sanity I'll leave out the !'s from here on in. And yes, I know book titles should be italicized. :)
He carries around Oh David like a lovey. Often he will hand me or Joe Oops while he reads Oh David. He likes to lie side by side with us reading, each with our own book (but both a book of his choice). I don't know where he got this from, but it makes his mommy and daddy pleased as punch. Our budding little reader.
These are the only books I've known him to ask for when they are not in sight.
He has these books memorized. It's quite amusing to hear him read Oh David to me. The words are all muddled, but the one line he says perfectly clear is "P.U." (a picture of David in a stinky diaper).
After each reading he looks up at me with sparkling eyes and says "again," pronounced like a little English boy: A - gayn. Hilarious!
Now, the special thing about these David books is that David is exactly like Theo. Observe the cover of Oh David. Did I not post a similar picture weeks back? Cheerios all over my floor? Inside, David unrolls all the toilet paper, and in another David book (it's a series) he even pulls an orange cat's tail! It's like David is Theo's fictional counterpart. Then again, I get the feeling most parents who read the book say that. The books are popular for a reason. I suppose more kids are Davids than not.
Here's the best part. "Oops" is not pronounced as such. Instead, he says "Oot." He'll bring me the book in the morning, "Oot! Oooooot!"
Suprisingly he says "Oh David" pretty well. Go figure.
1 comment:
He really is so attached to the David stories, and that reminds me- oops, he forgot "Oots" at my house.:) Three read-throughs, a smooch, (maybe many smooches) and he was fast asleep)
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