When I arrived at my shower on that Sunday, the apartment was decorated with giant balloons shaped like baby bottles, and some balloons had Elyse written on them. Anything personalized is definitely a mom touch! Lisandra was already there instructing guests on game rules, and having them sign a giant T-shirt for me! She gave everyone a little pink clothespin to wear, telling them they can't say "baby" or "Melody" or they'll have to give up their pin to the person who catches them. By the end of the shower, Gloria had kicked ass, wearing many pins. I lost my pin in a matter of seconds.
Upon my entrance, Lisandra immediately stuck 2 pins on me, one of which lights up and says "Mom to be." It was so cute! Mom had done an amazing job on the food/drink spread. There were a million drinks, alcoholic and non. There was a snack table, and another table for the catered sandwiches mom ordered--yum!
The guests started pouring in, and soon we were all playing "Guess the number of pink safety pins in the baby bottle" and "Pin the pacifier on the baby." Joanne won that first game, correctly guessing 72. Krista won the second game. Lisandra made an adorable blindfold and drew a funny looking baby for that one!
Next we played a game where we all wore the name of a famous baby, fiction or non fiction on our back, and had to guess who it was based on other people's clues. Grandma Popcorn had "Baby Theo" on her back and won that game! I, of course, had Melody. Lisandra came up with some really creative babies, like Bambi. Everyone loved that game--they're still talking about it!
Lisandra measured my belly, and everyone had to guess how many inches it was. Pune won, with a correct guess of 42 inches.
Lisandra planned for a baby food eating contest, but after seeing everyone's face and their, um, non-eagerness about eating pureed carrots, Lisandra graciously axed that game and gave me the food to take home for Melody. It was hysterical!
Next was cake, which Gloria went to pick up. Mom ordered my favorite Carvel cake! Soon after I opened gifts. Gloria took on the task of writing down what everyone gave me, as she had done for me at my first shower, when Theo was in my belly. Melody got clothes galore, and opening them all was a cute-fest. I also got lots of the practical things I needed. We made out super well.
Joe was photographer during the shower, and Uncle Elliot took Theo home with him to give the girls free time. At the end, Elliot, Gloria and Mom helped me bring all the stuff home. Mom, Lisandra, thanks so much for the super successful event! It went perfectly! I couldn't have asked for a better shower. There was such incredible love in the room. All my favorite women were there. Very old friends, very new friends, coworkers, even mom's friends--it was overwhelming. I'll treasure this shower always
Check out pics from the shower!
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