Monday, October 09, 2006

The Truth About Homemade

Theo has had a passion for applesauce lately. I buy him the kind that comes in individual cups, and I have to hide them so that I can pack them for school.

As I wrote about in my last post, we went apple picking yesterday. I was very excited to make Theo fresh applesauce, something I'd never made before.

This morning I enjoyed coring, peeling, cutting, etc... I placed the final result in a bowl and proudly brought it to the table, announcing my applesauce.

He investigated it for a minute. Then he pushed it away. It occured to me that it wasn't applesauce to him if it wasn't in a packaged cup.

And so I sat there, eating the abandoned applesauce, and pondered: why make fresh pancakes instead of pre-frozen? Why bake cookies instead of buy them? Little kids don't really care about these things. But then I realized the joy of doing these things is mine. It's even selfish in a way. After all, a kid gets to eat a pancake, a cookie, or applesauce much faster if they don't have to wait for it to be made. But I want to feel like a good mom for making it.

It's all a matter of making sure that one day he can throw his wife a guilt trip and say that his mom made stuff from scratch. Indeed, selfish. Mwahahahahaha.

1 comment:

Elyse Orecchio said...

That's how they get you, when you're young...dammit